Who We Are
We’re a group of parents, grandparents, and Chugwater residents with diverse educational backgrounds who are passionate about providing options for our community’s children.
PVCS Administration
Christian Winger
Master electrician with 25+ years of construction experience. Former Career and Technical Instructor in the Laramie County Community College Wind Energy program. Developed project based curriculum at the community college level.
Bryce Cushman
Bryce joins our team with 12 years of teaching experience, ranging from rural to urban and alternative educational settings. He has a passion for students as well as our local community.
Board Members
Jerah Nix
Lifelong Platte County resident. Bachelors of Science in Nursing from UWYO (2011). NICU nurse at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. Has taught neonatal resuscitation classes since 2012. Passionate about public education and advocating for our teachers and our children.
Dana Cushman
Former charter school student and teacher. Graduated from UWYO with a Bachelors of Arts degree with an emphasis on Spanish Language and Linguistics (2010). Gear Up Advisor from 2016-2019. Chugwater Community Education Coordinator since 2016.
Karen Guidice
Graduate of International Institute of Municipal Courts, with extensive experience in municipal administration, economic development, and grant writing. Proud parent of 3 children who all graduated Chugwater High School and the University of Wyoming.
Keith Miller
Graduate of Chugwater High School (1966), PhD in Mechanical Engineering from UWYO, 32 years in technical leadership and management experience at Sandia National Laboratories, 18 years curriculum development and teaching experience (2 years at UWYO and 16 years at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Cole Borchardt
Lifelong community member and Prairie View Community School parent.
Interested in Helping?
Have a unique skillset you could bring to the table?