Student Successes
PVCS students participated in the Reading Across America Week. Our goal was for the students to read a total of 3000 books. If they read that many, Mr. Cushman would have to kiss a pig. Way to go PVCS readers!!!!
The annual Middle Level State Leadership Conference was held March 4 in Douglas, Wyoming on the Wyoming State Fairgrounds. Members Alexa Spring, and Hunter Lange represented Prairie View Community School in competition with members from Burns, Lander and Pine Bluffs. They were very successful!
Alexa Spring placed 1st in FBLA Concepts and 3rd in Learning Strategies. Hunter Lange placed 1st in his presentation Career Research. Hunter placed objective tests also—1st in Business Communication, 3rd in FBLA Concepts and 4th in Interpersonal Communications.
Workshops presented by Elizabeth Winn, District Director for Northern Colorado & Wyoming covered Your Personal Branding & Career Clusters and Pathways. State Officers lead members in mixers and other team building activities.
Wyoming author, Mary Fichtner came to read to PVCS students to celebrate Read Across America
Many thanks to the Platte County Record Times for the write-up.
Instant Raman
By JoJo
Oh, the way that ramen can be. It can't be frozen nor homemade, it has to be instant. Instant is the perfect way. The way of 3 minutes. But alas, it's still a struggle meal.
8th Grade Poetry
What Is It?
By Mesa
What is it? It has legs. It shoots out sticky things that insects might dislike. But alas, it has 8 legs. It creates it's own home in one night. Well is it obvious now?
Cat’s Delight
By Landynn
The cat perches for the toy. She leaves the toy for a minute. Then she leapt out and tackled the mouse. Then she fell asleep with the mouse in the center of her body.
Kindergarten Cookbook
Take a look at the special recipes that our kindergarten students brought in to share with everyone. Click on the link and enjoy!
Student Work
Hunger Games Review Websites
8th grade had a very big responsibility in English class with comparing The Hunger Games book to the movie portrayal. After completing the reading and viewing they were to create their own websites that contained the following items: an essay comparing and contrasting the two works, their rating of the movie, an interview section that had movie reviews from other viewers, images from the movie that resonated with them, and where you can watch the movie currently.
Student Happenings